Articles and Interviews

Articles, Interviews, Videos and Podcasts

The Continuum of Awareness and How It Influences Outreach

We’re often bewildered as to why people don’t become vegan when presented with the reality of what’s happening to animals, their health and the environment.  It’s easy to conclude that people are just lazy, selfish or don’t care. However, that’s not necessary the case and this simple but profound principle called The Continuum of Awareness

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Can the Pain of Vystopia Help Create a More Compassionate World?

Why is veganism increasing as a compassionate philosophy, with animal social justice being at its core? Drawing on key emotional experiences of vegans, survey data collected in 2018 and observational data from her private psychology practice, Clare Mann created the term Vystopia: The Anguish of Being Vegan in a Non Vegan World In this article

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The Sound of Freedom and the Roots of Violence

Having worked as a psychologist for over 30 years in psychiatry, homicide and private practice, I continue to discover hidden levels of violence and abuse that shocks me. What is it that enables some people to overcome abuse, while others become trapped and unable to overcome the consequences of other people’s actions? In a recent

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Is there such a thing as an ex-vegan?

When someone discovers the extent of animal abuse in society and no longer wants to contribute to it, they become vegan. One of the behaviours arising from this philosophical position is that they stop eating, wearing or using animals for entertainment, medical or other pusposes. Many people suffer from vystopia and every day they feel

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Vegans Speak Your Truth and Communicate with Impact

Have you ever felt like you needed to hold back your truth for the sake of someone else’s approval? Do you struggle to communicate effectively in ways that feel like both (or multiple) perspectives are being shared and truly heard? Have you found it challenging to navigate the trends of social media and current cultural

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De-bunking Carnism Whilst Managing Your Vystopia

When you became vegan, did you get a rude shock about the world? The discovery of systematised animal cruelty can lead to guilt, shame and anger at how this has been allowed to continue for so long. It can also lead to frustration and despair when others refuse to listen to the facts, deny the

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Are You Tired of Trying to Change Others?

We all come into veganism through different paths – mostly ethics, health, or environmental concerns. However, once we become aware of the ethical imperative of veganism, our lives change. We see things we didn’t see before and the polarised position between veganism and carnism becomes stronger. As vegans, we have a dilemma. The more we

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Do Vegans Really Suffer from Vystopia?

Alex Baier is an animal rights activist in the US who takes every opportunity to speak out for animals. When he’s not taking to the streets showing video footage to the public, or joining a vigil, he interviews people all over the world on his channel Abolition Alex about how we can act every day

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Handling Being The Only Sane Person In The Room

From conspiracy theorists to extreme polarisation to dealing with Crazy Uncle Dave, sit back and enjoy a far-ranging conversation between the host of The Other Animals Radio Show and Clare Mann who explore living with and among those who haven’t yet come to terms with their own cognitive dissonance! The discussion offers creative and insightful

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