Articles and Interviews

Articles, Interviews, Videos and Podcasts

Are You a Closet Vegan?

Are you comfortable telling everyone you’re vegan or do you hold back in certain circumstance because of real or feared ridicule, criticism or judgement? The problem would appear more common than many think. In this short article by Paula Otero, the issue is explored with encouragement of how to “come out” as a proud vegan

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Vystopia and Finding Your Best Form of Vegan Activism

The Vegan Champion Podcast shares the stories of vegans all over the world in order to learn tools and techniques to inspire vegans to tap into their own power and bring their own gifts to the world. In this interview with host Jason Fonger, Clare Mann explores how to turn vystopia into massive action for

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Why Do Vegans Behave Badly and What’s All this In-fighting?

Many people upon becoming vegan say, “I only feel good around vegans. I feel I have found my family. They really get me!” It’s therefore distressing when vegans discover in-fighting in person or social media and feel desperate that this detracts from advocating for animal liberation. In a panel at the Adelaide Vegan Festival 2019,

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That Vegan Couple on Changing People’s Hearts and Minds

Why is it so hard to get people to become vegan? Why do some people cling to their existing beliefs and choices, regardless of what they find out about animal suffering, their health and our planet? In this interview with That Vegan Couple, find out how their experience of advocating for animals around the globe,

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The President of In Defense of Animals on Influencing Change

Why do people resist veganism so strongly when you tell them about animal cruelty? I posed this question to Marilyn Kroplik, Psychiatrist and President of In Defense of Animals . Her valuable insights became the foreword of Myths of Choice: Why People Won’t Change and What You Can Do About It. READ the foreword to

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The Hardest Part of Being Vegan Isn’t the Food

As more people adopt a vegan lifestyle, it’s important that vegans know how to advocate effectively about the moral philosophy underpinning this way of living. Janine Bancroft, a long-time social justice advocate and now host of Green Vegan Grandma, interviews Clare Mann the psychology of veganism and carnism, whistle-blowing and the battle for justice and

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How Vegans can Create Empowering Habits

Herbivore Health Live is a UK-based platform which educates people about living vibrantly as a vegan. In this podcast, Clare Mann, togetehr with the hosts Jonny and Jenny, explore what it takes to create empowering habits that underpin all success and conscious intentions. It includes a discussion on how lessons from neuroscience help us to

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Finding Peace in a Time of Chaos

Webinar Recording: Finding Peace in a Time of Chaos Dr Will Tuttle (World Peace Diet) and myself held a 60-min live webinar to explore the deeper meanings behind the chaos that people are experiencing globally in 2020. Although our time was short, we were able to explore ways in which we can create a greater

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Can Ubuntu Contributionism Free Us from Socio-Economic Slavery?

Profit is at the centre of industrialised animal cruelty. What if a different system existed that freed both us and the animals from the destructive cycle? What if there was a better system based on collaboration, working to our strengths and which benefited everyone? More details about the Ubuntu Movement can be found here:

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How do you cope when global fear goes viral?

Recent 2020 events are bringing the world to its knees. Mainstream media are ramping up the fear in confusing and often misleading reports, throwing us further into panic and two universal fears: Fear of Death + Fear of Uncertainty. If you’re to maintain your sanity, recover after the crisis is over and re-build what you’ve

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What Will Happen Post the 2020 Crisis – Utopia or Dystopia?

As vegans we not only have to live with the anguish of knowing what happens to animals but in telling people, their trance-like collusion with a dark and dystopian world many don’t realise they are part of. The current health crisis throws us into deep uncertainty, and many are left thinking, “Is there more going

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