Psychology of Veganism for Frustrated Vegans

US-based Vegan Danielle’s podcast explores all things frustrating about veganism as well as new ideas and “pushing the envelope” when it comes to speaking our truth. In this podcast, she discussed the Psychology of Veganism and breaking the trance with Vegan Psychologist Clare Mann.   CLICK to listen:

How Vegans can Create Empowering Habits

Herbivore Health Live is a UK-based platform which educates people about living vibrantly as a vegan. In this podcast, Clare Mann, togetehr with the hosts Jonny and Jenny, explore what it takes to create empowering habits that underpin all success and conscious intentions. It includes a discussion on how lessons from neuroscience help us to…

Why I believe We Will See A Vegan World in My Lifetime

“Eating Like you Give a Damn” is a US-based podcast hosted by Stephanie Harter helping vegans around the globe share their passion for transforming the world into a place to which we all wish to belong. In this episode, Stephanie and I explore “Breaking through the trance of non-veganism and accelerating a vegan world”. CLICK…

How to Parent a Child with Vystopia

Seeing your child suffer with vystopia is doubly painful. You don’t only have to help them deal with animal suffering but struggle with being ridiculed or shunned by other children for being vegan. Vegan Possum is a podcast for vegan parents wanting to protect their children, yet want them to become strong voices for a…